var validateStr_isMandatory = "is a mandatory field"; var validateStr_isCorrectVal = "is not a correct value for"; var validateStr_isTooSmall = "is too small for"; var validateStr_isTooBig = "is too big for"; var validateStr_maxIs = "max is"; var validateStr_minIs = "min is"; var confirmStr_askForSave = "Information is not saved. Save now?"; var validateStr_passwordsAreDifferent = 'Password fields are not identical.'; var validateStr_containsSpecialCharcters = 'contains special characters'; var validateStr_mustBeLessThan = 'Must be less than'; var validateStr_mustBeGreaterThan = 'Must be greater than or equal to'; var validateStr_invalidChecksum = 'Invalid checksum'; var validateStr_FD = 'Must be a future date'; var validateStr_PD = 'Can not be a future date'; var validateStr_orgIdorVATFotFormattedProperly = "is not formatted properly according to the selected country"; window.Edionet = function() { this.decimalSeparator = '.'; this.groupingSeparator = ','; this.validNumberChars = '0123456789.'; var date_popup = {}; if (typeof CalendarPopup != 'undefined') { date_popup = new CalendarPopup("date_picker"); date_popup.setMonthNames( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); date_popup.setMonthAbbreviations( "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); date_popup.setDayHeaders( "S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"); date_popup.setWeekStartDay(1); // week is Monday - Sunday date_popup.setTodayText("Today"); date_popup.offsetX = -120; date_popup.offsetY = 16; date_popup.selectDate = function(element, anchor, on_select) { date_popup_return_func = function(y, m, d) { var dat = new Date(); dat.setTime(getDateFromFormat(y + "-" + m + "-" + d, "yyyy-M-d")); element.value = formatDate(dat, "M/d/yy"); on_select(); }; this.setReturnFunction("date_popup_return_func"); var dat = new Date(); if (element.value != "" && (element.value).substr(0, 2) != "##" ) { dat.setTime(getDateFromFormat(element.value, "M/d/yy")); } this.showCalendar(anchor, formatDate(dat, "yyyy-MM-dd")); } } //------------------------------------- // Add members to Edionet class/object //------------------------------------- this.date_popup = date_popup; } var edionet = new Edionet(); var isFullWidth = false;